Cameroon has been described as an “ethnic crossroads” because of its more than 200 different ethnic groups. There are three main linguistic groups: the Bantu-speaking peoples of the south, the Sudanic-speaking peoples of the north, and those who speak the Semi-Bantu languages, situated mainly in the west. The oldest inhabitants of the country are the Pygmies, locally known as the Baguielli and Babinga, who live in small hunting bands in the southern forests. In the two decades following independence, Cameroon was quite prosperous. The government initially concentrated on expansion of educational facilities, diversification of farm production, selective industrialization, rural development, and the introduction of rural cooperatives. Small-scale farms are responsible for much of the agricultural exports. The main subsistence crops include plantains, beans, potatoes, yams, cassava, corn, and oil palm in the south and peanuts, millet, and cassava in the north. Food production has kept pace with population growth, and the country is generally self-sufficient. Domestic consumption of meat is reasonably high for a sub-Saharan African country. Livestock is exported to Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, and the Republic of the Congo and hides and skins to Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea. France remains a significant trading partner, although its role has somewhat diminished. Spain and Portugal consume a large proportion of Cameroonian exports, and Nigeria is a significant source of import trade. China is one of the country’s largest trading partners for both imports and exports. Major exports include crude oil, timber, cocoa, aluminum, cotton, bananas, and coffee. Others include oil palm products, tea, rubber, peanuts (groundnuts), and fresh vegetables, as well as factory products such as textiles, plastics, beverages, and confectionery. Major imports include machinery and transportation equipment and spare parts, fertilizers, cereals, fuel, and food products. The most popular sport in Cameroon, football (soccer), is played throughout the country.

Things to Do:
Mount Cameroon- One of Africa’s largest volcanos standing at over 13,000 ft.
Mefou National Park- A sanctuary for primates and conservation for wildlife.
National Museum of Yaounde.
La Nouvelle Liberte- A famous national monument